Forced myself to go to work today after missing two days for Ebola. Not much happened. Well except for when I took out this woman's tracheostomy tube to clean it and she coughed brown shit out of the hole in her neck all over my arm. That was fun.
Do you guys ever feel like Doogie Howser when your updating your blog?
Got a letter in the mail from USI saying that my graduation shit will not be finalized until Castle sends them my high school transcripts saying that I graduated from there. What the fuck. Didn't they need that to accept me four years ago? Well it looks like I will be making a visit to our old stomping grounds tomorrow. While I'm at it, Is there anyone you guys want to kick in the throat while I'm there? Besides Mr. Allen.
I would also like to know how Dustin's show went last night. And I feel like a total pud for not going! Super sorry.
Wish I didn't have to work this weekend so I could go to Harpole's with Ginger (she turned 21 on Monday). It's thunder weekend and it's supposed to be awesome. :(
I get paid tomorrow. Well technically tonight around 9:00 when the hospital turns in our checks. So now I get to pay off the $172.83 debt (yeah I'm serious) in my checking account before the bank clears all my checks and notices. Plus I have to pay my dad back $200.00. So maybe I won't be buying all that awesome shit that I have been daydreaming about.
Two of Cindy's sons "moved out" a couple days ago and I kinda feel like a bitch for yelling at them about the cereal. When it all comes down to it, I really liked coming home to a bunch of people. It made things much more interesting that coming home and watching the rest of Dr. Phil. Oh well. Fuck it.
I realized how awesome you guys are and how much I can't stand that most of you are moving so far away. And how much I really wished I would have spent more time with you. And how easy it will be for us to all lose touch with each other. And 10-15 years down the road see each other at a restaurant with our families and children and say "Hi" and awkwardly try to catch up. That would totally suck!
So anyway... sorry for not being as good of a friend as I could have been.
Well I guess that's it.