
I don't need guns, kick ass with a chain

Stacey: where are you working now? Night shift. Woof. You graduating with a fake degree is super awesome. Again I am so sorry about missing you at Hammerheads. My mom is psycho but you know that already. And Chris Brubeck said that you told him to tell me that I suck?

Liz: I know I'm fucking lazy but get off my ass. Oh I came up with another title... "I really wouldn't mind marrying her. She doesn't really ever get on my nerves all that much."

Me: I have been doing everything and nothing all at once....

*was reminded how crazy my mother is. What did she do? Well she climbed over a small wall (separating the boothes that we were sitting at in a bar that we went to) when she saw her boyf speaking to a female friend. Made a big fucking scene. Said the word "fuck" about 400 times. Broke up with her boyf. Insisted that I take her home.

*One of Matt's best friends professed his everlasting ongoing love for me for three years. Offered to break up with his girlfriend for me.

*Alex (sister) won her soccer tournament. So I had an excuse to spend over $100 at Dick's Sporting Goods.

*Alligator gumbo is gross. Well at least it is at the Fall Festival.

*Went to Memphis this weekend. Had a blast. Went to Sun Studios and Graceland. Saw Justin Timerblake. Rationalized getting a Banana Republic card, even though there isn't one anywhere around here. Spent a bunch of money, but totally worth it.

* Gave 50-60 flu and pneumonia immunization shots to elderly people at an assisted living nursing home place in Newburgh today.

* Putting off three papers that are due Monday until the last possible minute, one of which is 10 pages.

*Trying to figure out why I'm watching Insomniac and not turning it off.

*Saw The Rock on the Craig Kilborn Show a couple weeks ago and he (Yes The Rock) used the word, unequivocally, in a sentence.

*Finally got pulled over for my brake light. Just got a written warning. Think it might actually be fixed for good.

* Gonna go pretend to clean my room and shower.
