
After Awhile You Learn That Even Sunshine Burns If You Get Too Much

5 Things You Might Not Know About Me:

(*you must not know 'bout me*)

1) I was born with a blue eye and a green eye. Pretty much all babies are born with blue eyes. I think they start changing within a couple months after birth. Mine are green now. Well greeny-hazel.
In other interesting birth related news, I was supposed to be twin boys, Adam and Andrew. Ultrasounds weren't very accurate back then. Apparently, my placenta looked like another baby. And my heartbeat echoed off of it and made it seem like two heartbeats. As for the boy thing. I'm not sure what looked like two baby penises. No, I don't have a tail or an abnormally large clitoris. It wasn't until my actual birth that I was revealed as a pretty pretty girl. My placenta was kept at the hospital and was considered record breaking in its size. I'm sure that record has since been broken. My mother wanted to name me Janica (JAH-NEE-SAH) Renee' and my Dad wanted to name me Nicole. But they agreed on Ashleigh Elizabeth found in a magazine article as Elizabeth Ashleigh.
And...I was also born with a mole on the left side of my stomach. Its about the size of a pencil eraser. My mom used to always lift my shirt when I was a child and tell all my friends that it was a bug. Like its not hard enough to make friends. I'm planning on having it removed sometime soon, even though I can't really tell if it's changed colors or shapes. Because my left boob is in the way. Maybe I should ask the doctor if I can keep it and put it on her pillow or in one of her socks or something. Wow thats really gross.

2) Yes we did get two kitties. We had been planning on getting some kind of pet. Our plants are thriving well. And the turtle seems to be happy. I know that having a pet isn't comparable to having a child, but this is my way of sort of easing into it. So we upgraded to a cat. We initially wanted a puppy, but we aren't home enough. So I talked Jim into a kitten.
We found a precious litter of kittens at the Humane Society. I fell in love with a fuzzy lilac-gray kitty and Hadley liked a silky black kitty. They were sleeping together. And were so sweet and sad looking. We bought the black one. And then I went back the next day for they gray one. Hadley wanted to name the black one Princess Amanda. Jim and I talked her into Zara (like CZAR-AH, not Sarah). It means princess in Arabic I think. Compromise. Zara is very hyper and playful.
We named the purpley-gray kitty, Talulah. We call her Lulah for short. Yes, it is a Tori Amos song. And yes, I think she shares her name with one of Bruce Willis' daughters. But It's either a cat name or my first daughter's name. So I might as well get it out of my system now. Lulah is very tame and cuddly and a little cross-eyed. She's very agreeable to whatever position I put her in and let's me hold her whenever I want.
It's amazing how different their personalities are.
Right now they love getting into small places, sleeping on the fuzzy toilet lid cover, blending in with Hadley's stuffed animals, and aquariyums.
We broke the news to my mom by telling her that she was going to be a grandmother. Long pause...until I could no longer hear her heart beat. And then finished...Of two new grandkitties! She hates the thought of being a grandmother. She has actually said that she is too young and too hip (yes she used the word hip). So Jim and I love this opportunity to make her freak out all the time. Jim's fave whenever we're with my family..."Ashleigh, don't you have something you wanna tell your mother?"
She makes Hadley call her MiMi. Because it's cooler than Mamaw or Nana or whatever. My all time fave is Nana Pam. It sounds so awful. But anyway back to MiMi. She got it from the recent Mariah Carey CD. But the only thing I can think of is the fat chick with all the makeup and obsession for trolls on the Drew Carey show.
Well Maybe.

3) I watch way too much TV. I have a specific itinerary. And have been known to write dates and times of premiers in my planner.

Weekday daytime (if I'm off work):
Regis and Kelly/The View - break- Passions - break- Jeopardy/Dr. Phil/ Oprah
(I didn't say they were good or not a total waste of time).

Monday eve - Wife Swap /Heroes/ I Love New York
Tuesday eve - American Idol/ House
Wednesday eve - CSI/ reruns of Mythbusters *Until Lost starts back up 2/7/07!!!*
Thursday eve (Best Day of the Week)- Earl/ The Office/ Scrubs/ 30 Rock/ ER
Friday eve - Grey's Anatomy (thank God they show it 2 days in a row!)/ Dirty Jobs reruns

Weekend daytime: Reality TV marathons or John Cusack movies.
Saturday eve - Law and Order reruns/ then I usually fall asleep before SNL
Sunday eve- Simpsons/ Family Guy/ American Dad

I'm so Lame!

4) I have to make my bed everyday before I go to work, unless Jim's still in it. If Jim makes the bed, I redo it when he leaves the room. He usually doesn't notice.
I reorganize the dishwasher after Jim loads it. I feel that I can arrange it so that more dishes can fit, leading to better efficiency.
I know when magnets on the fridge have been moved.
Or when candles on the living room table have been adjusted.
I hate when the back sliding glass door is closed but the screen door is left open.
All the night shift nurses now know to clean up after themselves before I get there. This is one of the first things new nurses are warned about. I will throw important shit away if you leave it out. I will throw your nasty water cup away if it has chunky lipstick all over the straw. I have given nurses twice my age the whole "were you raised in a damn pig trough?- I hate to see what your house looks like" speech.
I don't floss.
I don't care about the hair in the bathroom rug.
I hate dusting.
And I wear wrinkly clothes to work all the time.

5) My great-grandmother, aka Nana II, passed away last Wednesday. She had another massive stroke the weekend before. At 93 years old, she lived a wonderful life. She started the first soft serve ice cream parlor in E'ville. She was an avid gardener, specializing in African Violets. She loved cooking. She loved to sew and used to make Ginger and I matching sun dresses. She had one of those exercise machines with the strap that went around your waste. Ginger and I played with it all the time.
She was widowed fairly early, when my grandmother was six years old. She never remarried. She did however have a boyfriend for many years, named Kurt. She told me that she wouldn't marry him because he picked his nose.
She was very classy and ladylike. My Dad always said that she was his favorite person in my mom's family. The nicest and most sane. She really liked my Dad.
I'm happy that she left in peace. We were all there with her.