It's been almost a year since I posted last. I decided that I needed a little bit of a change.
Yes yes, Jim gave me Hepatitis. Isn't he cute. Hadley got bad breath. I recently ordered pimple and stomach ache for her for Valentine's Day. Nothing says love like a giant microbe.
Anyway. Not much has happened on my end of the world. Mostly just working and planning for the Big Day. We are hoping that we rock out on our taxes (we are going to do them tonight). If not, I might have to sell my body, to science of course, to pay for the wedding. Unless, Liz you wanna pay for it? Nah nevermind... then I would have to do something nice for someone else.
I went to Chicago for the very first time over the weekend. I know this is really sad, but there's more. I road in a cab, not once, but twice...for the first time. And I ate real sushi at a real sushi restaurant ... for the first time. Here are some pictures... no nevermind. Blogger won't let me do it. Oh well. We were only there for like a day and a half. One of Jim's friends was having a pre-groundhog's day party. They had a whole bar rented out and everything. It was pretty fun. Well other than the super drunk guy that humped everything...the barstools, his friends, the air. He wore a shirt that read, "You Must be a Speeding Ticket, Cuz you got Fine Written all over You." This was paired with a pair of cammo pants and a trucker hat. Priceless. Then he passed out on a table and in the process smashed a bunch of glass. But whatev... it was fun.
My mom and I are going to Super Bride Sunday this weekend. Its an all day thing. I'm actually kinda looking forward to it. There's a small chance that I might win something, and that is all I need to get through eight hours of wedding overstimulation. Also this weekend, Jim and I are meeting with a nondenominational officiant named, Pastor Dave. Should be an interesting experience. I have heard horror stories about finding an officiant. Some make you take tests about each other, and uh write 3 page papers about why you love the other. Bleh.
Jim got a new job. He transferred to a different ICU in the same hospital that he was in, but now he works a lot more day shifts. So now we actually get to eat dinner together, and workout together, and sleep together. :)
So, all is well. We are good. The house is good. Work is good. And living the life of a 40 year old is good. I will try to keep up on updating. Hopefully there will be more to say next time.