I think that's how it goes, but whatever, what I meant to say was...
I haven't smoked in 1 month and 20 days, I have been wearing "THE PATCH" of course. I 'm not gonna consider myself safe or free or whatever until I'm pretty well past the 3 month marker. But as Ginger always says, "It only takes 21 days to break a habit." (I know you all love the "ginger says" comments) I 'm not sure how much truth that has to it. I accidentally forgot to wear a patch a couple weeks ago and I could totally sense urges throughout the day. Oh well now I'm just gonna be addicted to the patches.
I also started working out at the Hospital Gym in hopes to level out the possible weight I will be gaining from not smoking. Good timing: the Hospital is becoming a total non-smoking campus in November. You won't even be allowed to smoke in your car in the parking lot.
I do feel a lot better. Things smell different. Things taste different.
So that was the biggie. Here is some wonderfully wonderful news that I know everyone will love:
Gary (No not Spongebob's pet), the Cingular guy that said that I would be such a cute girl if I dressed like one, has recently knocked up a girl that he has been seeing (news via corinne)! YAY YAY YAY!
Matt is apparently living with some girl in a house by my dad. I think thay have probably been together for at least a year. Well, A friend of Matt's came into town (news also via corinne) a couple months ago and flirted a lot with Matt's girlfriend and it supposedly turned into some scene where they rode together to the LQ store and he asked her to leave Matt so they could be together blah blah blah. The girlfriend told everyone later on that she was totally freacked out by this guy and had no intentions of leaving Matt. BUT then Corinne told me that This friend came back in town last week. And the girlfriend and the friend of Matt's were seen together in an intimate situation in public!!!! Ok I know that was kinda confusing, but I don't know the girl's name and I don't want the friend's name to get googled or whatever. Ok Stace here's a clue: The friend's name rhymes with Bile Filletman. The moral of this story is... Matt got cheated on and Alicia Keys is so right KARMA IS A BITCH!
That reminds me of a joke...
Q: How does Snoop Dogg keep his whites so white?
A: BleeeeeAtch
I am going to see CAKE (the band) next week in Champagne, Illinois with a girl at work.
Another than that my life is Work and Jim, which isn't bad at all. Well the work part kinda sucks. For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of meeting my little picklepants, please let me know and we can arrange an appointment.
Lovies at all and to all a good night!