I am thinking it's a sign that the freckles in our eyes are mirror images and when we kiss they're perfectly aligned
Get off my dick.
Ok so yeah I am moving this weekend, in two days, or in 36.5 hours. Whatever. So if anyone wants to fly or drive in to help a bitch out, that would be awesome. I, however, will not post my new address on the web. I am already expecting my first house guest next weekend, Keri is coming from Cinci to see me and get pedicaures. That reminds of a time when I was a the Nail Salon and some girl retardedly put her feet in the hand dryers, instead of the toenail dryers that were placed conveniently on the floor. Hilarrrrrrrious. I mean who does shit like that?
I recently had to pull an all-nighter to finish two papers. Worked from 3-11:30 pm, went down to the hospital library until 8 am, then went home and worked on the papers more, and then went back to the hospital from 2:30-11pm. It totally sucked. But what sucked even more is the door to the morque was open when I was walking to the library. And I got fucking freaked out because the basement is really dark and creepy and the library was really empty and I had to turn on all the lights. The morque has some kind of reverse air system so the door always jiggles when you walk by, but this time it was open, like in the process of opening so it made that creepy squeaky noise. Ugh, I am a pussy.
Did my first clinical rotation in the ER yesterday. It was actually a lot better than I expected. Nothing really crazy...A 17 year old that came in a "virgin" and left preganant with Herpes, A guy that lays carpet and accidentally missed the floor and cut open an artery in his leg but didn't think it was that bad and worked for 2 more hours before going to the hospital and ended up loosing a shit load of blood, a bunch of stomach aches and vomiting. But all in all pretty awesome, the 12 hours flew by.
The graduation announcements that I sent out are invitations. It's at Roberts Stadium, so there is no limit to who goes. I didn't really have anough invitations to send to everyone, so whoever got one is entitled to 10 guests.
I was thinking about getting a Tat similar to the one Liz described, but mine has blue lightening and a wolf.
I want a copy of that blonde redhead CD! Maybe I can send you a copy of the new Sean Paul CD. HAR HAR HAR. ( no really, I have it)
We are currently housing 2 fugitives. Two of my Dad's friends have really ugly warrants out for their arrest, so they are hiding at our house. Reason #198764598645612 to move ASAP.
I love you guys and now that I will be having an extra room you are all more than welcome to chill at my crib when you are in town.
Hi my name is Ashleigh and I'm an addict. I have eaten at Subway 3 times in the past 2 days.
I ordered two 6 pound tubs of cookie dough from my sister if anyone wants to make cookies with me.
Well I gotta go.