Threat rating: Medium. Your total lack of decent
family values makes you dangerous, but we can
count on some right wing nutter blowing you up
if you become too high profile.
What threat to the Bush administration are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
YAY! That was fun. Hope the picture shows up.
Anyway...so life is going okay...but really fast though. Went to work today. Got to stick a huge needle in some lady's chest. pretty cool.
About 3 months ago, Cindy and I bought a puzzle. It's neat. It's like a global view of the continents. And inside of each puzzle piece are like 3 other random pictures. It's crazy. So last night we stayed up until midnight and finally finished it. And after every piece we found, we would say that phrase that Neil Diamond says that Jack Black yells a lot in Saving Silverman...."Komineeyayhaaaa." I guess that's how it's spelled. Anyway so that was a huge accomplishment and also proof that I am the hughest dork in the world.
A couple nights ago I was watching VH1 and I saw this video for a new (I guess) Fountains of Wayne song, titled "Stacey's Mom" and the lyrics are as follows (but not in any particular order)...
~ Stacey's mom's got it goin' on ~
Well I can't remember the other lyrics, but the song is about Stacey's boyfreind being in love/lust with her mom. So watch out Stacey... not sure if I trust this one. It's so fucking hilarious if you picture Stace's mom dancing around half naked on a table, well you just have to see the video.
Speaking of...Stacey I read that you have high blood pressure...I want details!!!!
I am super psyched about camping. Stacey, I guess you need to post your birthday present list.
Well I guess that's it.