Rurraby and good night...
It's truly been a busy month.
We went to Chicago for St. Patrick's Day.
I drank green beer. I hate beer, but for some reason it tasted better green.
The morning of St Patrick's Day we had reservations at a bar for 9am for Kegs and Eggs.
I had 1 green beer, 1 bloody mary, and several screw drivers (seemed to be more of an early morning drink), oh and breakfast too!
We were there for 4 hours.
Used porta-potties called Lepre-Cans.
Wore a ridiculous Hadi Shriner beenie.

And then went to bed at 5:30 pm
Woke up 3 hours early. Found a Mexican restaurant.
Met 2 real life Irish men. They were prob in their 60's.
Had reportedly already been kicked out of 3 restaurants.
And broke out into song when told the bathroom was to the left.
"To the Left, to the left, everything you own..."
Walked around a bit the next day and then enjoyed a 6 hour drive home.
Jim asked that I show everyone this...

Ah gotta love the midwest.
Then this past weekend we went to St Louis to take Hadley to the Magic House, City Museum, the Zoo, and the Arch.

Now on to the kitties (since I've finally figured out how to post pictures)!

Aren't they precious?

Oh and also we have our deck almost finished.
Jim put a roof over it and we have it furnished!

Super congrats to Stacey and Krys and their wonderful news.
I think we've all been waiting for this wedding out whole lives.
Its time for us to rock out with our cocks out.
Or hang out with our wangs out.
Whichever you prefer.
Also about this colon cleansing wonder that I referenced in my previous post.
I have asked several people, including doctors about this and everyone agrees that its a crock.
I have also seen several colonoscopy result photos and they typically look clean as a whistle.
As a pre-procedure prep most patients are given Go-Lytely (terrible name, it makes you do the opposite). This is a 2 gallon jug that you have to drink in a set period of time. It pretty much cleans you have the shits until you're just shitting water basically.
With this prep I have never seen anybody shit out anything like this either.
Just shit.
Nothing that even closely resembles a corn-fed tapeworm.
But I think one of my co-workers is going to try it.
I told her to take pictures.
So, we'll see.